Six Books I’d Like in My Personal Library

Is it really possible for somebody to own too many books? I certainly don’t think so! Here are six that I’d love to see sitting on my shelves.

I adored All in Pieces by Suzzane Young and I gave my copy to a friend that was wanting to read it. I’d love to own this book again and give it a re-read! This was the first story I ever saw the characters eating dogs and cheese (macaroni and cheese with hot dogs in it) which is something I can never get enough of!

Suzanne Young is one of my favorite authors and I haven’t been able to pick up a copy of Girls with Sharp Sticks yet which kind of kills me. I’ve heard it’s incredible and I really love the cover!

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is one of my all time top books and I collect different editions of it. So far I have eighteen copies. The Folio Society edition is absolutely beautiful and I’d really love to be able to add it to my collection. It’s $67.95 before shipping gets added in, though, so it might be a minute before I get my hands on this beauty.

Alicia Cook is an incredible poet. I randomly picked up I Hope My Voice Doesn’t Skip at Barnes & Noble one day and instantly fell in love. Since then I’ve read almost all of her collections. Her poetry is so heartfelt and it really touches my soul. She spontaneously released Anomaly: A Concept Album on Amazon one day and I’ve been dying for it ever since.

The Harry Potter series is another that I collect a lot of different editions of. I’ve managed to get my hands on some really neat ones over the years, but my most coveted right now is definitely the Hufflepuff editions. Really, if I had an infinite amount of money, I’d want to collect all the houses.

Helena Fox’s debut, How it Feels to Float, was such a raw and honest look at grief and mental illness. It’s one of the best books I’ve read this year and maybe ever. I was sent an ARC for review but this is one I’d really love to own a hardcover of.

What book would you most love to add to your collection? Let me know in the comments!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted each week by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl. Visit her blog to find out what books she wishes she owned and find other’s lists as well!

30 thoughts on “Six Books I’d Like in My Personal Library”

  1. *falls over herself in excitement to have finally read a book on someone’s list* I LOVE ALL IN PIECES — gave it a shout-out in my post w/ favorite tropes last week, actually. Definitely would enjoy owning it because I think about it a lot. The chemistry between the two characters is just so GOOD, ugh. And what a fun detail to pull out! Giving me definite cravings…

    Anyway, based on that and your Jane Eyre + Harry Potter collection, I assume you have impeccable taste and will be investigating every other book on this list. I don’t even read poetry. Is Anomaly suddenly the hottest-looking title on my want-to-read shelf? Sure is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed All in Pieces, too! It doesn’t seem like its one many people talk about. The chemistry between the two characters really was amazing!

      And I’m so glad you added Anomaly to your want to read shelf! Alicia Cook would be a great way to introduce yourself to some poetry.


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