Let’s Talk About the New Hunger Games Prequel The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m complete trash for The Hunger Games. I’ve read the original trilogy several times I adore the movies as well.

When I first heard that Suzanne Collins would be releasing a prequel to the series I was a bit taken aback. Like, why can’t we just let good things die? I feel like we’re constantly trying to squeeze as much life out of everything as possible and often times it goes too far.

Nevertheless, I was ridiculously excited when I found out that the cover and title would soon be revealed. A little too excited you might say since I was a day early and frantically searched every corner of the internet for thirty minutes before realizing I had the wrong date.

Turns out I wasn’t the only excited Hunger Games fanatic that had the wrong day so I feel like they should have just released it early and given the people what they want. But they didn’t so I reluctantly waited another 24 hours until FINALLY THE TITLE AND COVER WERE REVEALED!

But, ya’ll…. What is this monstrosity???

It’s finally here and I can’t pretend to be excited because it’s actually a giant ugly trash fire.

I have spent all day looking at this cover and trying to think of something positive to say about it and I can’t come up with anything. It’s just bad.


And if you want to make the base color green that’s fine. Black, red, and blue are obviously already taken – but why did you do a giant weird pulsating bullseye thing instead of a solid background color like the rest of the series?

The groundwork was already laid out for you! All you had to do was make the cover green and then add your weird exorcist bird, branch, snake emblem thing to it.


It feels like the most random title I’ve ever heard of? Maybe it will make more sense after I read the book but honestly at this point I don’t want it to become clear. Just give me something a little catchier that I don’t feel ridiculous saying.

Again, let’s reference the original trilogy – all of the titles are short. This isn’t the time to try and get fancy on us. You’ve already built your brand – stick with it.

The entire thing feels like something I could have made in my computer’s native paint program. And that’s, um, not a good thing.

At the end of the day though I can’t act like I’m not going to be waiting outside my local bookstore the day this is released and make a mad rush as soon as they open to doors to buy a copy. I’m Katniss Everdeen trash and not even a horrible cover and silly title will keep me away from Panem.

What do you think of the cover and title? Do you love it, hate it, feel indifferent? Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and opinions with me! I actually hope you like what you see because I don’t want anybody else to be going through the amount of disappointment I’m feeling.

16 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About the New Hunger Games Prequel The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes”

  1. I don’t like it. No need for the bullseye and I agree a plain green background would have made far more sense. The image looks weird because the bird’s head is not facing the way it’s body is and that bothers me. And the title is just meh. But I will most likely read this too, but I’ll wait to grab it from the library.

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  2. I don’t like it, but I don’t not like it? I guess I nothing it is what I’m saying. Maybe if I wasn’t such a fan of the series I would have no interest, but obviously I have some bias there.

    I get what you are saying about people always adding on to series like this. It does seems old. But at the same time, I remember while reading this book that I kept thinking about how awesome it would be to read about earlier times in that world. I mean there’s so many stories you could tell. And for that reason I am excited. I’ll preorder the crap out of this. This series got me through the most stressful parts of college so I am ALL in!

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  3. I’m indifferent about the title. Both the original trology and this prequel’s titles are products of how the publishing industry is. People are just up in arms because they can now clearly compare it to the OG trilogy.

    The bird is fine??? I think it just looks more off because the art style.

    I think we could’ve done without the bullseye and just made the design a little more abstract like the og trilogy, but it really wasn’t everyone was like “WOW ITS BAD” did i really notice the bullseye.

    My comment feels a bit “im superior bc im not bothered by it” but i swear i dont think that. I think its understandable id people arent fans of it.

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    1. I definitely see how this new title is a product of today’s trends and I just wish they wouldn’t have played into that. People seem to be getting tired of it and the more publishers do it the more annoying and hokey it seems?

      I’m glad you still shared your comment with me even though your opinions differed from mine! It means a lot that you felt like this space was safe enough for you to share your differing opinion.

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  4. You raise so many points that I didn’t even think about. I guess I didn’t look at it that critically. I’ll still read it but I’m not a hardcore fan. Hopefully it will be enjoyable still!

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  5. I think I’m very meh about the whole thing. Why a prequel?? I think I’m just tired of revisiting series that were finished. I almost always end up not liking it! I mean….I could end up eating my words but at this point in time im not that excited and you’re totally right about the YA title generator! What even!!

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    1. Yes! I’m tired of things feeling finished and then they’re brought back. Two recent ones like this was Tahereh Mafi’s Shatter Me series and Marie Lu’s Legend series. I haven’t read the continution of them but it seems like they’re just playing off the popularity of the original series in order to make money.


  6. Oh god, same. The cover and title are both so weird??? What is going on? I hope the book doesn’t follow suit because Suzanne Collins still has a lot of respect in my eyes.


  7. It feels so weird. I honestly would have never locked up her hunger games if I did not see the film first. I remember my first time seeing Effie in the screen. I was like “what in the world is that? They have clowns in this film?” I did read one of the overlander books not really having any idea who Collins was.


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