Ten of My Favorite Childhood Books

When I see the term ‘childhood books’ it makes me think of picture books, but I don’t remember too many of my favorites. I’ll share the ones I do remember, though, and then a few of my favorite middle grade books I have fond memories of.

Picture Books

  • The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton (Thanks to this book I truly believe that houses have feelings and personalities.)

Middle Grade Books

  • The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden (This one I read so many times my copy is falling apart and always while eating root beer candy.)

What were some of your favorite childhood books? Let me know in the comments!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted each week by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl. Visit her blog to find out what books she remembers reading as a child and find other’s lists as well!

37 thoughts on “Ten of My Favorite Childhood Books”

  1. Oh wow, I haven’t even heard of any of these. I was at least expecting to recognize a few, since I didn’t think there was a huge amount of variety in what was available back then. Maybe it just feels that way compared to now?


  2. I recognize a few of them.

    One of the difficult things about this topic (other than not remembering the picture books I read as a kid) was thinking “did I like that book or not?” Because I really don’t remember. And then there were books I was given that I don’t remember whether I read them or not.


  3. I totally forgot about the Mandie books! I read those for a short period of time, but never did complete the series. They certainly are fun little MG reads though. Oh, and I owned one of the Elsie Dinsmore books, but cannot remember if I ever read it…! Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland. 🙂


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